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Dr Taz Bhatia, M.D.

5 Ashwagandha Health Benefits—From Thyroid Function to Immune Health

5 Ashwagandha Health Benefits—From Thyroid Function to Immune Health

Autor: Dr Taz Bhatia, M.D.
377,368 Wyświetlenia
4 Steps to Better Gut Health

4 Steps to Better Gut Health

Autor: Dr Taz Bhatia, M.D.
70,922 Wyświetlenia
The Best Herbs to Help with Stress

The Best Herbs to Help with Stress

Autor: Dr Taz Bhatia, M.D.
22,755 Wyświetlenia
A Natural Approach to Banish Bloating

A Natural Approach to Banish Bloating

Autor: Dr Taz Bhatia, M.D.
27,102 Wyświetlenia
Tips for Staying Healthy Through Jet Lag

Tips for Staying Healthy Through Jet Lag

Autor: Dr Taz Bhatia, M.D.
5,358 Wyświetlenia
Meet Alpha Lipoic Acid, the Anti-Inflammatory Antioxidant

Meet Alpha Lipoic Acid, the Anti-Inflammatory Antioxidant

Autor: Dr Taz Bhatia, M.D.
133,180 Wyświetlenia
Natural Health Hacks for Hypoglycemia Support

Natural Health Hacks for Hypoglycemia Support

Autor: Dr Taz Bhatia, M.D.
56,452 Wyświetlenia
How to Stay Healthy While Traveling + Supplements to Take with You

How to Stay Healthy While Traveling + Supplements to Take with You

Autor: Dr Taz Bhatia, M.D.
14,209 Wyświetlenia
The Best Beauty Supplements for Your Daily Regimen

The Best Beauty Supplements for Your Daily Regimen

Autor: Dr Taz Bhatia, M.D.
53,943 Wyświetlenia
Natural Approaches and Supplements to Deal with Anxiety

Natural Approaches and Supplements to Deal with Anxiety

Autor: Dr Taz Bhatia, M.D.
33,628 Wyświetlenia
Metabolism-Boosting Supplements: Get Revved Up the Healthy Way

Metabolism-Boosting Supplements: Get Revved Up the Healthy Way

Autor: Dr Taz Bhatia, M.D.
75,885 Wyświetlenia
How to Boost Your Immune System During Cold and Flu Season

How to Boost Your Immune System During Cold and Flu Season

Autor: Dr Taz Bhatia, M.D.
38,741 Wyświetlenia


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