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Homemade Wood Treatments and Furniture Polishes

10,772 Wyświetlenia

Homemade wood cleaners and furniture polishes nourish and moisturize wood to maintain it for years. Beeswax seals the wood’s pores, making a waterproof protective barrier, and it is an effective cleaner and sanitizer. Lemon oil cleans wood, kills germs, removes stains, and protects. Olive oil is an exceptional furniture polish. There is no sticky residue, it works on treated or untreated wood, and it smooths scratches.

One should clean and apply initial layers in circular motions. For the final step, or any time one needs to polish wood, buff with the wood’s grain. Always use clean, soft cloths for every step.

Lemon Olive Oil Wood Polish



  1. Pour ingredients into a spray bottle and shake.
  2. Spray onto a cloth and rub onto wood.
  3. Let sit 5 minutes, then buff.
  4. Enjoy the healthy luster.

Beeswax Wood Polish and Sealant



  1. Melt half of the beeswax in a double boiler.
  2. Stir in olive oil.
  3. Stir in essential oils, if included.
  4. Pour into a glass jar.
  5. Let harden for storage.

Instructions for use:

  1. Microwave glass jar for 20-30 seconds.
  2. Dab a cloth into the paste and rub onto clean, dry wood.
  3. Let dry, then buff.
  4. Enjoy the protective shine.

Coconut Oil Wood Polish



  1. Clean with an oil-dampened cloth.
  2. Let dry.
  3. Dab a new cloth into the oil and rub into the wood.
  4. Let dry, then buff.
  5. Enjoy beautiful, healthy wood.

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