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Homemade Oat Milk Recipe + Benefits

78,708 Wyświetlenia

Many people are on the lookout for an alternative to dairy milk without the fuss and expense. Oat milk is just the thing! All it takes is a couple of ingredients and 10 minutes for healthy, delicious, easy-to-make oat milk. Check out the recipe and enjoy the benefits!

Healthy Homemade Oat Milk Recipe


  • 1 cup rolled or steel-cut oats
  • 4 cups water (A little less water makes a thicker milk if desired.)
  • Pinch of salt

Optional Ingredients


  1. Put the oats, water, salt, and any optional ingredient desired into a blender. Blend on high until the mixture is well blended.
  2. Check the mixture at this point for the desired sweetness. Add an extra pitted date or more maple syrup if needed and re-blend.
  3. Strain the mixture by pouring it through a cotton towel placed over a bowl or pitcher. If the mixture is still thick, strain it again.
  4. Put milk in a covered container and refrigerate it. The oat milk keeps in the refrigerator up to five days.
  5. Before serving, shake it well. Serve it cold. If heated, it will thicken.

The Wonderful Benefits of Oat Milk

Oat milk made at home is full of nutrition and easy to make, and it can be used in tons of recipes. One of the greatest benefits is that it is lactose-free but still contains more calcium than cow's milk. It actually supplies 36 percent of the Recommended Dietary Allowance of calcium, making it a wonder for vegans and vegetarians. Packed with nutrition and more than 10 minerals and 15 vitamins, oat milk provides 10 percent of the Recommended Dietary Allowance of vitamin A and 10 percent of the Recommended Dietary Allowance of iron. And, here's another plus: Oat milk is low-fat and lower in calories than a lot of other milk, perfect for those who are trying to slim down. Using fresh, organic ingredients and making it in small batches ensures that homemade oat milk is always fresh, tasty, and healthy.

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